6 Batak St.
Varna, 9000
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
6 Batak St.
Varna, 9000
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
High-quality, high-standard replicas of ancient coins and artifacts. The materials we use are solid silver, bronze, copper, and terracotta.
Following strict rules and the highest standards for customer protection over the years we have gained the trust and loyalty of many customers.
100% satisfaction guarantee – if, for any reason within 30 days, you are not happy with your purchase, we will refund you.
All items will be shipped in safety packaging and a tracking number will be provided so you can check for updates.
Check out the latest updates
Athenian owl, classical style 449-413 B.C. ancient Greek silver coin Attica mint.
CoinAntix offers high-quality, high-standard reproductions of ancient coins and artifacts.
We are adding value for the collector by offering quality with an untouched authentic feel at a fraction of the actual price.
The reproductions can be a great collection filler, a perfect gift for a precious person, or a substantial educational resource.
Many of our customers are collectors enthusiasts, who are familiar with authentic items, but still want to have a rare Tetradrachm, Sestertius, or Denarius on display at their home.